Fostering Growth, Hope & Healing

Welcome to Silver Maple Equine Therapy

Meaningful connections with nature and animals have long been known to help soothe and heal the human spirit. Silver Maple Equine Therapy offers a space to experience the power and spirit of horses on the path to hope and healing. Our services are rooted in the innovative EAGALA approach, in which a licensed Mental Health Professional and a qualified Equine Specialist work together with horses and clients as equal partners in an experiential process that can lead to life-changing outcomes.

Led by Equine Specialist Bonnie Chapek and Mental Health Professional James Benkard, we invite you to connect with us to learn more and start your healing journey at Silver Maple Equine Therapy.

Equine Assisted Learning

Our EAL programs are designed to be impactful, experiential and goal-oriented. While open to any interested individuals or small groups, EAL is particularly well-suited to business clients looking for opportunities to collaborate, learn, and grow together.


Equine Assisted Psychotherapy

EAP is a treatment modality for those facing a mental health challenge or diagnosis in which clients can experience the power and spirit of horses on the path to hope and healing. Our services adhere to the principles of the innovative EAGALA model.

The EAGALA Model

Our services are rooted in the innovative EAGALA approach, in which a licensed Mental Health Professional and a qualified Equine Specialist work together with horses and clients as equal partners in an experiential process that can lead to life-changing outcomes.

About our Facility

Located in Stoughton, Wisconsin, Three Gaits, Inc., provides space for equine-assisted activities and therapies that enhance the lives of people with physical, emotional, and/or intellectual challenges.